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Monday, May 3, 2010

Book Review

The book I read was called Baseball Superstars Jackie Robinson. I would read another book by this author because this book had many interesting facts about Jackie Robinson's life, a timeline, many photos with a good description, and a lot of details. This book is rated 5 stars out of 5. The author is Susan Muaddi Darraj. The copyright was in 2008 by Infobase Publishing.

Facts About Me

My real name is Jack. In 1936 my older brother Mack finished in second place to Jesse Owens in the 200 meter dash. I was drafted to the U.S. military during World War 2. Even though I became famous I was still not allowed to go into restaurants where only white people were allowed. Once I was older I found out I had diabetes. I starred in a movie as myself. The movie was called The Jackie Robinson Story.

Big Impacts on my Life

One obstacle I faced was when I was still young my older brother, Frank, passed away in a car accident. Frank was driving his motorcycle and crashed into a car traveling the opposite direction, and got flung off so hard that he dented a parked car.Another trial I faced was not having a father. Jerry Robinson, my father, left me when I was just a baby. My father said he was going to visit some relatives and wanted to bring Willa Mae with him, but my mother refused to let my sister go and my father never came back. One thing that changed my life was meeting Branch Rickey. Branch Rickey was the man who made the Noble Experiment and hired me to the Brooklyn Dodgers. Branch Rickey felt like a second father to me.

My Charater Traits

People say that I'm athletic because I joined the baseball and football teams while in school and did well in both sports. At John Muir Technical High School, the high school I attended,I did really well in basketball and track too. I'm also am very courageous and brave because people would criticize me for being an African American and would say mean things about me, but I kept playing baseball and going to the games anyway. I am also very hard working because I practice hard to get better at baseball and to help African Americans win their rights. I am also patient because during the Noble Experiment I had to be patient about giving the plan about getting the Major Baseball League integrated time to work and for the team to get used to me.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Effect on The World

The effect I had on other people was that I was the first African American to play in the Major Baseball Leagues since the 1880's. I helped people believe that one day the baseball league will be integrated. I also helped people realize African Americans can be just as talented as other people and should have the same rights. I helped people realize this by joining organizations to help with this cause. When Branch Rickey hired me to the Brooklyn Dodgers it was one of the first steps baseball took to becoming integrated. "One day I know that there will be an African American general manager for a Major League Baseball team."

Friday, April 23, 2010

All About Me

I was born on January 31,1919 near Cairo,Georgia and was the youngest in my family. I have three brothers named Edgar,Mack,and Frank and one sister named Willa Mae. Since my family was poor my mother had to work so Willa Mae would take me to her school and let me play in the sandbox while she worked in her classroom. Since many African Americans were being criticized in Georgia when I lived there as a child we decided to move to Pasadena,California and live in my mom's half brother's house. I attended UCLA but then dropped out after a couple of years because," No matter how much education I could get I would never be able to get a job." I married Rachel Isum on February 10,1946. On November 18, 1946 Jackie Robinson Junior was born. In 1947 I became the first African American to play baseball in the major leagues since the 1880's. On January 13,1950 Sharon Robinson was born. On May 15,1952 David Robinson was born. In 1957 I retired from the major leagues and was the business executive with Chock Full o' Nuts. In 1962 I got into the Baseball Hall of Fame. In 1968 my mother,Mallie Robinson,died. On October 24,1972 I died of a heart attack.